Dental Schools
There are 66 dental schools in the United States.
Listed below are general requirements and admission cycle information for some of the top dental schools.
Disclaimer: Information is subject to change and does not contain all specifications and details. The majority of information was gathered from dental schools' websites. Please visit the official dental school websites for complete information and instructions on how to apply.
Some are specifically for 2020 (COVID-19)
Updated Oct/2021
District of Columbia
New Jersey
Puerto Rico
South Carolina
University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry - California
Required Courses:
Biological Sciences with laboratory (4 Semesters / 6 Quarters)
Physics with laboratory (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Inorganic Chemistry with laboratory (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Organic Chemistry (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters) - or 1 Semester each of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
English, Communication or Speech (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
COVID-19 updates:
Highly recommended courses: anatomy, physiology, microbiology, biochemistry, histology/cell biology & research experience – practical or theory
One course in composition or technical writing is required. Other courses should develop written or verbal communication skills. English as a Second Language (ESL) course work does not meet this requirement.
Students may not elect pass/fail options in required course work unless a narrative transcript is provided by the college.
Letter of Recommendation:
2 letters from science professors and 1 of your choice OR 1 committee letter
Dental Shadowing Experience:
40 hours minimum (minimum hours must be general dentistry)
Dental Admissions Test (June 1st update):
DAT scores will now be valid to up to 3 years. Scores before June 15, 2018 will not be considered for the 2020-2021 admissions cycle. This does not apply to Univ. of the Pacific Pre-dental Advantage students.
Admissions Cycle
The DDS 2020-21 application cycle opened June 1, 2020.
The application deadline has been extended to March 31, 2021.
A new optional question: how COVID-19 has affected preparation to apply for dental school.
COVID-19 updates:
The Dugoni School will not disadvantage any application impacted by changes outside of the applicants’ control (e.g. testing center closures and changes in university grading policies) and will be flexible with deadlines for the 2020-2021 application cycle.
The Dugoni School will accept pass/no credit grades and online courses, including labs, to fulfill DDS admissions requirements. This is a special exception for courses taken in Spring and Summer 2020. Undergraduates in the University of the Pacific’s accelerated pre-dental program are not eligible to take any pass/no credit courses.
Interviews for positions in the class will be held virtually (admissions orientation/presentations on select Mondays and virtual 1-1 interviews with faculty and dental students will be held on subsequent days)
Application Fee
$75 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 2,700
Number of Enrolled: 144
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.6 (overall), 3.5 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 22
Perceptual Ability - 22
Quantitative Reasoning - 21
Reading Comprehension - 22
Biology - 21
General Chemistry - 23
Organic Chemistry - 23
Total Science - 22
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Educational Expenses:
First year - $141,523 (+Estimated Living Expense - $33,468)
Second year - $132,428 (+Estimated Living Expense - $33,468)
Third year - $129,931 (+Estimated Living Expense - $33,468)
Loma Linda University School of Dentistry - California
Required Courses:
General Biology with lab (complete academic year)
General Physics with lab (complete academic year)
General Chemistry with lab (complete academic year)
Organic Chemistry with lab (complete academic year)
Biochemistry (1 semester / 2 quarters)
English Composition (complete academic year) - requirement met with Bachelor's degree
Letter of Recommendation:
employer or dental professional, pre–professional committee or science professor uploaded with AADSAS application. A spiritual leader reference letter should be submitted along with the LLUSD supplemental application.
Dental Shadowing Experience:
50 hours minimum
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 2 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and November 1
Supplementary Application: Only When Requested
Receive LLUSD supplemental application invitation 4-6 weeks after AADSAS application submission (return within 30 days of invitation)
Application Fee
$150 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 1,217
Number Enrolled: 114
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.51 (overall), 3.38 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 20.51
Perceptual Ability - 21.15
Quantitative Reasoning - 19.54
Reading Comprehension - 21.64
Biology - 19.88
General Chemistry - 20.82
Organic Chemistry - 21.09
Total Science - 20.21
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Educational Expenses:
First year: $88,840 (+Estimated Living Expense - $19,428)
Second year: $105,026 (+Estimated Living Expense - $22,495)
Third year: $96,966 (+Estimated Living Expense - $22,495)
Fourth year: $97,116 (+Estimated Living Expense - $22,495)
University of California, Los Angeles School of Dentistry - California
Required Courses:
Biology with 1-year of a laboratory component (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Physics with 1-year of a laboratory component (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Inorganic / General Chemistry with 1-year of a laboratory component (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Organic Chemistry with 1-year of a laboratory component (6 Semester Hours / 8 Quarter Hours)
Biochemistry (3 Semester Hours / 4 Quarter Hours)
Introductory Psychology (3 Semester Hours / 4 Quarter Hours)
English Composition (6 Semester Hours / 8 Quarter Hours)
All required courses must be completed no later than June 30th of the year you are seeking admission for.
Recommended courses: histology, physiology, human or comparative anatomy, social sciences, microbiology, communication, business, composition, technical writing, fine arts, philosophy, engineering and classics
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the School of Dentistry will accept courses taken online completed during the period of mandatory online education.
Letter of Recommendation:
Minimum of 3 from any objective source
Dental Shadowing Experience:
Information N/A
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed no later than December 31 and within a 3-year period, including the current year applying
(waived for Fall 2021 application cycle)
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and January 1
Supplementary Application: No longer required
Application Fee
$60 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: about 1,800
Number Enrolled: 88
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.74 (overall), 3.68 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 23
Perceptual Ability - 22
Total Science - 23
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses for California Residence (Including Living Expenses):
First year: $96,267
Second Summer: $13,139
Second Year: $89,478
Third Summer: $13,139
Third Year: $76,588
Fourth Summer: $13,139
Fourth Year: $76,923
* non-California resident tuition is an additional $12,245.
University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry - California
Required Courses:
Biological Sciences with laboratory (8 Semester Units / 12 Quarter Units)
Physics with laboratory (8 Semester Units / 12 Quarter Units)
Inorganic Chemistry with laboratory (8 Semester Units / 12 Quarter Units)
Organic Chemistry with laboratory (4 Semester Units / 8 Quarter Units)
Biochemistry (3 Semester Units / 4 Quarter Units)
Psychology (3 Semester Units / 4 Quarter Units)
English (6 Semester Units / 8 Quarter Units)
Social Sciences, Humanities, or Foreign Language (11 Semester Units / 16 Quarter Units)
Additional Electives (42 Semester Units / 63 Quarter Units)
**AP Tests may be used to partially fulfill the prerequisites
Covid-19 Updates
Online courses will be accepted if they are offered by the school at which the candidate was enrolled prior to the current crisis.
Pass/fail grades will be accepted without prejudice for courses taken during the COVID pandemic.
Letter of Recommendation:
3 letters of recommendation including: college science professor, dentist or advisor/researcher/mentor, individual of your choice OR 1 composite letter from a pre-professional health advisory committee
Dental Shadowing Experience:
Information N/A
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed before September 15 of the year in which you apply and within 2 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and October 31
Supplementary Application: Supplemental questions in the UCSF School section of the AADSAS application
Application Fee
$75 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 2,114
Number of Admission Offers: 124
Number Enrolled: 89
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.66 (overall), 3.61 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 22
Total Science - 22
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses (Including Living Expenses):
Dentistry 1: $94,803
Dentistry 2: $96,722
Dentistry 3: $100,893
Dentistry 4: $104,179
*non-resident Supplemental Tuition: $12,245
University of Southern California School of Dentistry - California
Required Courses:
General Biology and lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
General Physics and lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Inorganic / General Chemistry and lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Organic Chemistry and lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
English Composition (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters) - waived if applicant has a bachelor's degree
Philosophy, history or fine arts (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters) - waived if applicant has a bachelor's degree
Letter of Recommendation:
2 letters of recommendation from lecture-based science professors in biology, chemistry, or physics OR a committee letter
1 letter of recommendation from a dentist
Dental Shadowing Experience:
Information N/A
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Must be taken no later than February 1 of the year for which the application is made, and test scores more than three years old will not be accepted
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and February 1
Supplementary Application: No
Application Fee
$85 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: more than 3,000
Number Enrolled: 144
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.67 (overall), 3.59 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 20.5
Perceptual Ability - 20.4
Total Science - 20.2
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses (Including Living Expenses):
Year 1: $153,555
Year 2: $144,631
Year 3: $141,975
Year 4: $105,715
Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine - California
Required Courses:
General Biology with lab (8 Semester Units / 12 Quarter Units)
General Physics with lab (8 Semester Units / 12 Quarter Units)
General Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Units / 12 Quarter Units)
Organic Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Units / 12 Quarter Units)
College English / English Composition (6 Semester Units / 9 Quarter Units)
Highly Recommended Courses:
Biochemistry, Genetics, Cell Biology, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology, Calculus 1, Biometrics, Psychology & Conversational Spanish
Letter of Recommendation:
3 letters of recommendation including: 1 from dentist or another professor, 2 from science professors OR 1 pre-professional committee letter
Dental Shadowing Experience:
30 hours minimum
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed by October 15 of the year of application; Scores valid for 3 years
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and December 1
Supplementary Application: Yes
Application Fee
$60 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 2,856
Number of Interviews Conducted: 274
Number Enrolled: 70
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.24 (overall), 3.09 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 20
Perceptual Ability - 19
Total Science - 18
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses (Including Living Expenses):
First Year (12 months): $120,011
Second Year (12 months): $116,611
Third Year (12 months): $118,430
Fourth Year (10 months): 118,244
University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine - Colorado
Required Courses:
General Biology or General Zoology with lab (8 Semester Hours)
General Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Hours)
Organic Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Hours)
General Physics with lab, Algebra or Calculus based (8 Semester Hours)
Microbiology (3 Semester Hours)
General Biochemistry (3 Semester Hours)
English Composition (3 Semester Hours)
Letter of Recommendation:
2 letters from science instructors AND one letter from a non-science instructor, dentist you shadowed or employer OR Pre-Dental Committee letter (must include two science instructors)
Dental Shadowing Experience:
50 hours minimum
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 2 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 4 and October 15
Supplementary Application: No
Application Fee
$90 application fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 2,304
Number Enrolled: 80
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.56 (overall)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 21
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Educational Expenses:
$86,339 (in state: $66,647)
University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine - Connecticut
Required Courses:
Biology (2 Semester / 3 Quarters)
General Chemistry (2 Semester / 3 Quarters)
Organic Chemistry (2 Semester / 3 Quarters)
Physics (2 Semester / 3 Quarters)
Biochemistry (1 Semester / 2 Quarters)
English (1 Semester / 2 Quarters)
Letter of Recommendation:
1 Pre-dental advisory committee letter OR 3 letters from faculty
Dental Shadowing Experience:
Information N/A
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 2 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Apply before November 1
Supplementary Application: due by 5/1
Application Fee
$75 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
*Data not from official website
Number of Applicants: 1,300
Number Enrolled: 44
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.2 (overall), 3.5 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Total Science - 21
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses (Including Living Expenses):
$85,532.12 (in state: $47,778.12)
University of Florida College of Dentistry - Florida
Required Courses:
Biology (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Physics (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
General Chemistry (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Organic Chemistry (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
English (6 Semester Hours / 8 Quarter Hours)
Microbiology (4 Semester Hours / 6 Quarter Hours)
Biochemistry (3 Semester Hours / 4 Quarter Hours)
Letter of Recommendation:
3 letters of evaluation or 1 committee letter
Dental Shadowing Experience:
Information N/A
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
DAT scores must be received before November 1; Minimum score of 15 in all sections is required
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and November 16
Supplementary Application: Only When Requested
Application Fee
$30 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 1,470
Number Enrolled: 93
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.75 (overall), 3.79 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class: 22
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses for Out of State Students (Including Living Expenses):
$104,635 (in state: $78,155) first year
$102,585 (in state: $76,105) second year
$102,980 (in state: $76,500) third year
$96,010 (in state: $69,530) fourth year
University of Kentucky College of Dentistry - Kentucky
Required Courses:
Biology with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
General Chemistry with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Organic Chemistry with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Physics with lab (1 Semester / 2 Quarters)
English with emphasis on communications (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Microbiology (1 Semester / 2 Quarters)
Biochemistry (1 Semester / 2 Quarters)
Letter of Recommendation:
At least 3 letters of recommendation—2 from science faculty, 1 from a dentist the applicant has shadowed
Dental Shadowing Experience:
recommends 50 hours, with COVID-19, they have decreased it to 20 hours for the application cycle
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 2 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Apply no later than October 15th
Supplementary Application: Only when requested
Application Fee
$75 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: Over 1,700
Number Enrolled: 67
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.6 (overall), 3.36 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class: 20.2
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses for Out of State Students (Including Living Expenses):
Resident (4 years)
NON-RESIDENT (4 years)
University of Louisville School of Dentistry - Kentucky
Required Courses:
Biology (4 Semesters / 6 Quarters)
Physics (1 Semester / 2 Quarters)
General Chemistry (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Organic Chemistry (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Letter of Recommendation:
3 letters of evaluation including: 2 from science professors , 1 from anyone OR 1 committee letter
Dental Shadowing Experience:
40 hours minimum
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
DAT scores must be less than 2 years old
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and January 1
Supplementary Application: No
Application Fee
$65 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 3,079
Number Enrolled: 120
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.55 (overall), 3.42 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 20
Perceptual Ability - 20
Reading Comprehension - 21
Biology - 20
Total Science - 20
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Educational Expenses for Out of State Students:
Yearly Cost - - $83,409 (in state: $44,043)
Louisiana State University School of Dentistry - Louisiana
Required Courses:
Biology with lab (12 Semester Hours)
Inorganic Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Hours)
Organic Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Hours)
Physics I and II with Lab (8 Semester Hours)
English (9 Semester Hours)
Biochemistry (3 Semester Hours)
Microbiology (3 Semester Hours)
Letter of Recommendation:
Minimum of 2 letters from science professors
*Committee recommendation is preferred
Dental Shadowing Experience:
50-100 hours in the offices of at least three general dentists
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 2 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Apply starting June 1
Supplementary Application: Only when requested
Application Fee
$200 application fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 700
Number Enrolled: 65
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.61 (overall)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class: 21
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Educational Expenses for Out of State Students:
$35,141 (in state: $63,869)
University of New England College of Dental Medicine - Maine
Required Courses:
General Biology with lab (4 Semester Hours / 6 Quarter Hours)
Human Anatomy with lab (4 Semester Hours / 6 Quarter Hours)
Microbiology with lab (4 Semester Hours / 6 Quarter Hours)
General Chemistry with lab (4 Semester Hours / 6 Quarter Hours)
Organic Chemistry with lab (4 Semester Hours / 6 Quarter Hours)
Biochemistry (3 Semester Hours / 4.5 Quarter Hours)
Additional Biology, Chemistry, and/or Physics courses (12 Semester Hours / 18 Quarter Hours)
English Composition/Technical Writing (3 Semester Hours / 4.5 Quarter Hours)
Letter of Recommendation:
2 letters of evaluation: One required from science professor, second one recommended from dentist. Committee letters accepted in place of 2 required letters.
Dental Shadowing Experience:
30 hours minimum of dental experience
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Taken by October 1 of application year
Admissions Cycle
Apply between May 11 to Nov 1
Personal statement needs to be included in your application
Supplementary Application: Yes
Application Fee
$55 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Admission statistics not taken from official website
-class size: 64 students
- Average GPA: 3.38
- Average DAT: 18.6
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Educational Expenses:
First Year - $80,400 (+Estimated Indirect Costs - $18,000)
Second Year - $80,400 (+Estimated Indirect Costs - $24,000)
Third Year - $80,400 (+Estimated Indirect Costs - $24,000)
Fourth Year - $77,400 (+Estimated Indirect Costs - $24,000
University of Maryland School of Dentistry - Maryland
Required Courses:
Biology with lab (8 Semester Hours)
Inorganic Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Hours)
Organic Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Hours)
Physics with lab (8 Semester Hours) Biochemistry (3 Semester Hours)
English Composition (6 Semester Hours)
Letter of Recommendation:
Preference of 1 pre-professional committee letter and 1 letter from a general or specialized dentist documenting at least 100 shadowing hours OR 1 science professor and 1 general or specialized dentist
hours of shadowing
Dental Shadowing Experience:
100 hours
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 3 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Apply before December 31
Supplementary Application: Yes
Application Fee
$90 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
*Data not from official website
Number of Applicants: 2,786
Number Enrolled: 132
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.6 (overall)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Total Science - 21
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Resident: $22,082 (+ $11950.50)
Non-resident: $41,064.5
Year 1 additional fees - $6,584.50
Year 2 additional fees - $8,746
Year 3 additional fees - $8,492.5
Year 4 additional fees - $5,434.5
Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine - Massachusetts
Required Courses:
Biology with lab (3 Semesters / 4 Quarters)
Physics with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
General (Inorganic) Chemistry with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Organic Chemistry with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Math (1 semester/2 quarters of Math or Statistics)
English or Composition (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Letter of Recommendation:
2 or 3 evaluations from science faculty and 1 recommendation from a dentist mentor OR a pre-health advisory committee evaluation
Up to 5 letters of evaluation are accepted
Dental Shadowing Experience:
No specific hour requirement for dental shadowing experience
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 2 years of the application date
Admissions Cycle
Apply between May 11 and December 16
Supplementary Application: Yes
Application Fee
$75 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 4,500
Number of Seats Available: 115
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.3+
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class: 18+
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Educational Expenses:
First Year - $94,214 (+Estimated Living Expense)
Second Year - $96,776 (+Estimated Living Expense)
Third Year - $87,960 (+Estimated Living Expense)
Fourth Year - $87,760 (+Estimated Living Expense)
Harvard School of Dental Medicine - Massachusetts
Required Courses:
Biology with lab (8 Credit Hours)
Physics with lab (8 Credit Hours)
Inorganic or General Chemistry with lab (8 Credit Hours)
Organic Chemistry with lab (8 Credit Hours)
Biochemistry (3 Credit Hours)
English (6 Credit Hours)
Calculus I, II (6 Credit Hours)
Statistics (3 Credit Hours)
Letter of Recommendation:
3 letters of recommendation (4 maximum) including at least 3 from faculty members and at least 2 from science professors
OR a pre-health committee letter
Dental Shadowing Experience:
No minimum
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
DAT scores are valid for three years from the start of the application cycle
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and December 15 (applications must be completed by January 4)
Supplementary Application: Only for individuals who have been invited for an interview
Application Fee
$80 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: about 1,000
Number of Seats: 35
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.85 (overall)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class: 22
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses (Including Living Expenses):
First Year - $99,939
Second Year - $124,652
Third Year - $118,561
Fourth Year - $114,897
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine - Massachusetts
Required Courses:
Biology with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Upper level Biology with lab (1 Semester / 1 Quarter)
Inorganic Chemistry with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Physics with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Organic Chemistry with lab (1 Semester / 2 Quarters)
Biochemistry with lab (1 Semester / 1 Quarter)
[does not have to be with lab unless available and required by the university at which the course is completed]
Writing-Intensive Humanities or Social Science course
(may include History, English, Comparative Literature, Philosophy, Government, or Women’s Studies) (1 Semester)
Letter of Recommendation:
2 letters of evaluation from professors and a third letter from another evaluator, such as a dentist, community service supervisor,
or research mentor
*Or a pre-professional composite committee letter
Dental Shadowing Experience:
75 hours minimum (40 hours with a general dentist)
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 2 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and February 1
Supplementary Application: Yes, upon request by office of admissions after submission of AADSAS application
Application Fee
$90 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 4,094
Number of Seats: 202
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.42 (overall), 3.33 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 20
Total Science - 20
Reading Comprehension - 21
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses (Including Living Expenses):
First Year - $103,279 (+Estimated Living Expense - $135,754)
Second Year - $103,065 (+Estimated Living Expense - $137,865)
Third Year - $97,343 (+Estimated Living Expense - $135,343)
Fourth Year - $96,929 (+Estimated Living Expense - $122,529)
University of Michigan - Michigan
Required Courses:
English Composition (6 Semester Hours / 9 Quarter Hours)
Biology with Lab – Introductory Biology Sequence Expected (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Inorganic Chemistry with Lab (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Organic Chemistry with Lab (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Physics with Lab (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Microbiology (3 Semester Hours / 5 Quarter Hours)
Biochemistry (3 Semester Hours / 5 Quarter Hours)
Psychology (3 Semester Hours / 5 Quarter Hours)
Sociology (3 Semester Hours / 5 Quarter Hours)
Letter of Recommendation:
2 letters from science professors AND an evaluator of applicant’s choice (dentist, employer, additional professor, mentor, etc)
Additional 4th letter completed by another evaluator may be added
Dental Shadowing Experience:
100 minimum hours of dental shadowing
volunteering does not count towards this number but should be reported as well
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
No specification for 2 or 3 years
Must be taken in prior to august of application year
Admissions Cycle
Apply between May 11 and October 15
Supplementary Application: No
Application Fee
$75 application fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 1,867
Number of Seats: 109
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.8
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Average - 22
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses (Including Living Expenses):
First Year - $94865 (In State: $79375)
Second Year - $110,212 (In State: $91,413)
Third Year - $108,586 (In State: $89787)
Fourth Year - $110760 (In State: $86578)
University of Minnesota School of Dentistry - Minnesota
Required Courses:
English (8 Semester Credits)
General Biology or Zoology (8 Semester Credits)
Physics (8 Semester Credits)
General Principles of Chemistry (8 Semester Credits)
Organic Chemistry (8 Semester Credits)
Biochemistry (3 Semester Credits)
Mathematics (3 Semester Credits)
Applied Human Psychology (3 Semester Credits)
Letter of Recommendation:
3 letters of recommendation, two from science or math professors and one from an employer, or a supervisor from a volunteer or research position
Dental Shadowing Experience:
minimum of 50 hours (excused for 2020-2021 application cycle)
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 2 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Apply between May 11 and closes February 3
Supplementary Application: Yes
Application Fee
$85 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of applicants: 1296
Average GPA : 3.56 (overall), 3.62 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic average: 20.86
Reading Comprehension: 22.10
Perceptual Ability: 21.18
Total Science: 20.36
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Total Expected Costs
First Year: $65, 853.51 (resident), $99,561.51 (non-resident)
Second Year: $91,198.11 (resident), $134,808.56 (non-resident)
Third Year: $92,248.29 (resident), $137,058.03 (non-resident)
Fourth Year: $93,468.12 (resident), $139,510.14 (non-resident)
University of Mississippi School of Dentistry - Mississippi
Required Courses:
English (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Inorganic Chemistry with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Organic Chemistry with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Physics with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Microbiology with lab (1 semester/1-2 quarters
General Biology or Zoology with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Mathematics (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Statistics or Biostatistics (1 Semesters / 1 Quarters)
Letter of Recommendation:
4 letters of recommendation: College biology, chemistry, or physics faculty (2), Dentists who have been shadowed (1), Community service directors (1)
Dental Shadowing Experience:
Minimum of 100 hours required with at least 4 different dentists
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 3 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Apply starting June 1
Deadline October 2 (AADSAS)
Deadline November 2 (UMMC)
Supplementary Application: No
Application Fee
$50 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 128
Number Enrolled: 39
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.67 (overall), 3.54 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 19.75
Total Science - 19.33
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses:​​​
D1: $18,789 (fall), $16,051 (spring)
D2: $10,700 (summer), $10,700.67 (fall), $10,700.66 (spring)
D3: $10,700.67 (summer), $12,815.67 (fall), $10,700.66 (spring)
D4: $10,700.67 (summer), $10,700.67 (fall), $10,700.66 (spring)
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine - New York
Required Courses:
Biology with lab (minimum of 8 credits or one academic year)
Physics with lab (minimum of 8 credits or one academic year)
Inorganic or General Chemistry with lab (minimum of 8 credits or one academic year)
Organic Chemistry with lab (minimum of 8 credits or one academic year)
Biochemistry (1 semester)
English Composition or Literature or Writing (6 credits or one academic year)
Mathematics (6 credits)
Letter of Recommendation:
3 letters of recommendation from science professors OR 1 pre-health committee letter (additional letters from non-science professors are accepted)
Dental Shadowing Experience:​
50 hours minimum
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
No minimum DAT score requirements
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and December 31
Supplementary Application: No
Application Fee
$75 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 1,657
Number of Interviews: 318
Number Enrolled: 84
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.7 (overall), 3.7 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
23.4 (overal)
23.3 (science)
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses (Including Living Expenses):
D1: $87,172 (flat-rate)
D2: $87,172 (flat-rate)
D3: $87,172 (flat-rate)
D4: $83,912 (flat-rate)
New York University College of Dentistry - New York
Required Courses:
Biology (minimum of 8 semester hours)
Physics (6-8 semester hours)
Inorganic Chemistry (6-8 semester hours)
Organic Chemistry (6-8 semester hours)
English (6-8 semester hours)
Letter of Recommendation:
3 letters of evaluation including: 2 letters from science instructors OR 1 letter from a committee on professional recommendations
Dental Shadowing Experience:
100 hours minimum
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Scores must be submitted by February 15 (and have been taken within 3 years) of the year admission is sought.
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and February 1
Supplementary Application: Yes (Student Questionnaire emailed approximately 2-3 weeks after the verification of your AADSAS application
Application Fee
$80 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 4,500
Number Enrolled: 375
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.5 (overall), 3.4 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 21
Perceptual Ability - 20
Reading Comprehension - 21
Total Science - 21
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Educational Expenses:
D1: $162,465 (living included)
D2: $143,764 (living included)
D3: $143,764 (living included)
D4: $140,498 (living included)
University of North Carolina School of Dentistry - North Carolina
Required Courses:
General Biology and Zoology with lab (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours) - Vertebrate Zoology course may be substituted with Human Anatomy and Physiology
Physics (6 Semester Hours / 10 Quarter Hours)
General Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Organic Chemistry (6 Semester Hours / 10 Quarter Hours)
Biochemistry (3 Semester Hours / 5 Quarter Hours)
Letter of Recommendation:
3 letters of recommendation including: Science Professor, Professor within applicant's major, Dental Practitioner
Dental Shadowing Experience:
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Submit DAT scores by October 1. DAT scores more than 3 years old will not be considered.
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and November 1
Supplementary Application: Yes
Application Fee
$84 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Accepts roughly 80% in state and 20 % out of state
Number of Applicants: N/A
Number Enrolled: 82
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.57 (overall), 3.51 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Average DAT Score - 22
Average GPA - 3.6
Cost of Tuition (Estimate)
First Year - $112,341 (In State - $40,647.14)
Second Year - $142,285 (In State - $40,937.14)
Third Year - $139,157 (In State - $41,547.14)
Fourth Year - $138,569 (In State - $41,547.14)
The Ohio State University College of Dentistry - Ohio
Required Courses:
Take 9 of the 13 required courses:
Anatomy (Basic Human Anatomy) - Dissection is important
Biology I
Biology II
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
Physics I
English I
English II
Letter of Recommendation:
2 letters of recommendation (1 must be from a science professor)
Dental Shadowing Experience:
40 minimum hours of dental shadowing/observation
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 2 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Application deadline: October 1
Application open: June 16
Supplemental Application: Yes
Supplemental application deadline: Oct 15
Application Fee
$60 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 1044
Number Enrolled:110
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.6 (overall), 3.49 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 20.3
Perceptual Ability - 21.2
Total Science - 19.9
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses for Out of State Students (Including Living Expenses):
First Year - $112,341 (In State: $68,921)
Second Year - $142,285 (In State: $85,861)
Third Year - $139,157 (In State: $82,733)
Fourth Year - $138,569 (In State: $82,145)
University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine - Pennsylvania
Required Courses:
Biology with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Physics with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
General / Inorganic Chemistry with lab (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Organic Chemistry with lab (1 Semester / 2 Quarters)
Biochemistry (1 Semester / 1 Quarter)
English Writing Intensive Course (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
Mathematics (1 Semester / 2 Quarters)
Letter of Recommendation:
Minimum 2 letters of evaluation from professors OR a committee letter by prehealth advisor and/or a committee
Dental Shadowing Experience:
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
must submit DAT scores by December 1
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 16 to Dec 1
Supplementary Application: Yes
Application Fee
$60 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Average GPA: 3.73
Science GPA: 3.66
DAT Academic : 22.2
DAT Reading Comprehension: 22.6
DAT Science : 21.8
Number Enrolled: 135
Number of Applicants:2,100
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses (Including Living Expenses):
First Year - $128,909
Second Year - $125,558
Third Year - $131,099
Fourth Year - $122,293
University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine - Pennsylvania
Required Courses:
Biology with lab (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Physics with lab (6 Semester Hours / 10 Quarter Hours)
General (Inorganic) Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Organic Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Biochemistry (3 Semester Hours / 6 Quarter Hours)
English / Writing Intensive Course (6 Semester Hours / 10 Quarter Hours) - at least 1 of the 2 English courses should be an English/Literature course
Letter of Recommendation:
3 letters of recommendation including: 2 letters from a professor/advisor/mentor and 1 Pre-Health Advisory Committee letter (preferred)
Can submit a maximum of 4 letters of recommendation
Dental Shadowing Experience:
Information N/A
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Scores are valid for no more than 3 years prior to Nov 1 application deadline
Admissions Cycle
Between June 16 and Nov 15
Supplementary Application : No
Application Fee
$75 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 2,200
Number of Interviews: NA
Number Enrolled: 80
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.65 (overall), 3.67 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 20.7
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses for Out of State Students (Including Living Expenses):
First Year - $103,526 (In State - $93,500)
Second Year - $98,752 (In State - $88,726)
Third Year - $100,552 (In State - $90,526)
Fourth Year - $97,328 (In State - $87,302)
University of Tennessee College of Dentistry - Tennessee
Required Courses:
English Composition: 6 Semester Hours
Biology (General: Lecture and Lab): 8 Semester Hours
Chemistry (General: Lecture and Lab): 8 Semester Hours
Chemistry (Organic: Lecture and Lab): 8 Semester Hours
Physics (Lecture and Lab): 8 Semester Hours
Biochemistry (Lecture): 3 Semester Hours
Other Biology (Applicants must take ONE of the following):
Histology: 3 Semester Hours
Microbiology (Lecture and Lab): 4 Semester Hours
Comparative Anatomy: 4 Semester Hours (Human Anatomy may be substituted if it is taken with a lab and equals 4 semester hours)
Total number of hours taken to be considered for admission: 97
Letter of Recommendation:
Letters of recommendation are not mandatory but are accepted through the AADSAS application ONLY
Dental Shadowing Experience:
Information N/A
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 2 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and September 30
*Due to the disruption caused by COVID-19, the UTHSC College of Dentistry is extending the DDS application deadline from September 30 to October 31.
Supplementary Application: No
Application Fee
$75 application fee
Admission Statistics
2085 applied
99 candidates selected
Average DAT: 19
3.63 overall GPA
3.49 science GPA
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses for Out of State Students (Including Living Expenses):
$119,624 (in state: $80,864) first year
$117,254 (in state: $78,494) second year
$112,929 (in state: $74,169) third year
$111,738 (in state: $72,978) fourth year
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry - Virginia
Required Courses:
General Biology with lab (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Physics with lab (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
General Inorganic Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Organic Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Hours / 12 Quarter Hours)
Biochemistry (3 Semester Hours / 4 or 5 Quarter Hours)
English (3 Semester Hours / 4 or 5 Quarter Hours)
Math/Stats (3 Semester Hours / 4 or 5 Quarter Hours)
Letter of Recommendation:
3 letters of recommendation including: 2 letters from life science professors, 1 letter from a practicing dentist
(additional letters accepted)
Dental Shadowing Experience:
100-150 hours recommended
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 3 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and January 1
Supplementary Application: Yes (A supplementary application will be sent to candidates who are invited to interview)
Application Fee
$85 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: between 2,300 and 2,500
Number Enrolled: 95
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.6 (overall), 3.6 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average - 20
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
First Year – $127,938 (In State - $95,568)
Second Year – $124,562 (In State - $92,192)
Third Year – $122,896 (In State - $90,526)
Fourth Year – $123,014 (In State - $91,137)
University of Washington School of Dentistry - Washington
Required Courses:
General Biology or Zoology (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
General Physics (2 Semesters / 3 Quarters)
General Chemistry (1 Semester / 2 Quarters)
Organic Chemistry (1 Semester / 2 Quarters)
General Biochemistry (1 Semester / 2 Quarters)
General Microbiology (1 Semester / 2 Quarters)
Letter of Recommendation:
Minimum 1 letter from a science teacher and 2 character references (one of whom must be a member of the dental profession)
Dental Shadowing Experience:
50 hours minimum of dental/knowledge/shadow/observation AND 50 hours minimum of community service
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Applicants must take the DAT prior to the due date of November 1 (new deadline for 2020)
Admissions Cycle
Apply between June 1 and Nov 1
Supplementary Application: No
Application Fee
$100 supplementary fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants:448
Number Enrolled: 63
Average GPA of Incoming Class: ~3.6 (overall), ~3.5 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
DAT - 20.4
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
Estimated Total Expenses for Out of State Students (Including Living Expenses):
$130,011 (in state: $91,151) all 4 years based on data available
West Virginia University School of Dentistry - West Virginia
Required Courses:
English Composition & Rhetoric (6 Semester Hours)
Biology or Zoology with lab (8 Semester Hours)
Inorganic Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Hours)
Organic Chemistry with lab (8 Semester Hours)
Physics with lab (8 Semester Hours)
Anatomy, Comparative or Human) (3 Semester Hours)
Biochemistry (3 Semester Hours)
Recommended courses:
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Embryology/Developmental Biology
Letter of Recommendation:
1 letter from the Pre-Professional Committee OR 1 letter from a professor of each of the required sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Dental Shadowing Experience:
Information N/A
Dental Admissions Test (DAT):
Completed within 3 years of admission
Admissions Cycle
Apply before November 1
Supplementary Application: Only when invited
Application Fee
$60 application fee
Admission Statistics
Number of Applicants: 962
Number Enrolled: 48
Average GPA of Incoming Class: 3.62 (overall), 3.51 (science)
Average DAT Scores of Incoming Class:
Academic Average – 19
Perceptual Ability (PAT) – 20
Total Science – 19
Cost of Tuition (Estimated)
First Year – $121,669 (In State: $74,379)
Second Year – $113,199 (In State: $65,909)
Third Year – $110,505 (In State: $63,215)
Fourth Year – $79,039 (In State: $47,471)